Conformance Process

Only ONVIF members can make conformance claims and only products that have support for at least one ONVIF profile and that are registered under the ONVIF list of conformant products are considered to be conformant. ONVIF conformance is a self-declaration scheme and to claim conformance, the ONVIF device or ONVIF client must:

  • Implement all mandatory and applicable conditional features for the claimed profile(s) as listed in the ONVIF Profiles Specifications documents.
  • Respect entirely the specification and methods described in the ONVIF Network Interface Specification Set documents and corresponding WSDL and Schema specifications. This includes optional functionalities not listed as mandatory in the claimed profile(s).
  • Positively respond to the test routines of the ONVIF Test Specification documents corresponding to the claimed profile(s).
  • Successfully pass the ONVIF Device Test Tool and/or the ONVIF Client Test Tool for the claimed profile(s).
  • Submit the Declaration of Conformance (DoC), ONVIF Interface Guide, and Feature List file through the ONVIF Member Portal. Such documents for an ONVIF conformant product are accessible by finding the product on the Conformant Products page.

ONVIF conformance means that the requirements stated in the claimed ONVIF Profiles Specifications documents are fulfilled according to the defined requirement levels. To increase the confidence in the conformance statement, ONVIF also provides ONVIF Test Specification documents, ONVIF Device Test Tool and ONVIF Client Test Tool. This Conformance Process Specification defines how a member shall use these components to claim conformance to one or multiple ONVIF profiles.

For more detailed information, read the ONVIF Conformance Process Specification, ver 5.0 (PDF, September 2019), Member FAQ, and an overview of the ONVIF Member Conformance Process.


Improper Conformance Claims

If you find a product that improperly claims ONVIF conformance (i.e., it cannot be found by searching on the Conformant Products page), please report this to ONVIF using this form.



Learn more about the importance of ONVIF conformance in our FAQ.

