ONVIF Members Making News

As we turn the corner from spring to summer, we’re anticipating a summer season much different from years past. However, as the conversation continues to shift towards life beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, ONVIF and its members continue to develop technologies and offer insights that will be integral to the “new normal.” We’re recognizing these, and…

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What Security/Tech Trends Might Emerge, Post COVID-19

The remainder of 2020 is sure to bring with it a number of changes. The security industry will be challenged to adapt to the new world, post COVID-19 and to continue to evolve its solutions. A post pandemic world is sure to bring with it a number of new technologies and security trends – as…

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ONVIF Members Making News

Show cancellations and event postponements have become the new normal, over the past few months. However, ONVIF’s members continue striving forward to bring best of breed solutions to the market, as well as offer expert insight into current issues. We want to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of all our member companies, during this…

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ONVIF’s Members Adapt to Show Closures

Despite the postponement of ISC West 2020 and many other signature security and technology events, ONVIF and its member companies adapt to the changing landscape and continue to work towards the development of innovative technologies and new ONVIF conformant products to add to their portfolios. In lieu of face-to-face meetings and product showcases, here are…

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The Importance of Collaboration

The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has undoubtedly rearranged the scene for standards organizations such as ONVIF to conduct our business as we were used to. Like many others, we’ve made the decision to cancel meetings – such as our quarterly All Committee face-to-face and Developers’ Plugfests, and have seen trade shows postponed and many other events…

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