Looking forward to 2021

Somehow, we find ourselves in the last few days of 2020, reminiscing on all that’s transpired. For ONVIF, it was a year of forward movement – despite the challenges raised by the pandemic. We were fortunate to be able to move forward with our plans to release draft profiles, Profile D for access control peripherals,…

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A Letter from ONVIF

By Per Björkdahl, chairman, ONVIF Steering Comittee Dear friends, As 2020 nears its end, our world continues to be an unsettled place. The ways in which we normally go about our business and personal lives continue to change, and we continue to find ways to adjust to new restrictions and policies and procedures to keep…

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Three Ways We’re Thankful This Year

As some of us head into the holiday season, starting with Thanksgiving in the US, it’s hard to not look back at the year and see only the challenges we all faced together. However, amid the uncertainty of 2020, ONVIF and the collective security industry continued to move forward – driving the market and retooling…

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How ONVIF is Furthering Interoperability in Smart Applications

It’s no secret that the security industry has been advancing towards customized applications to help mitigate COVID-19 risks – many of which fall heavily within the AI and IoT realm. This rise in connected devices and demand for integration of smart applications is happening in tandem with these technologies becoming more mainstream. This is ultimately…

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